
Imaginate is a useful tool at every stage in the artistic process. Early on it provides inspiration for styles, color palettes, subjects, and composition. It lets you quickly test ideas and explore artistic directions. It's also a useful way to generate placeholder images and content for kit bashing.

Intermediate stages in the creative process can utilize Imaginate as an iterative back-and-forth dialogue between yourself and the tool. It can be used to improve your creation's artistic fidelity and details, evolve an idea, or inject a little controlled chaos to bring forth happy accidents. And coherency can be given to scenes built from kit bashing collages through interactively transforming its look with iterative Imaginate steps.

Near the end of the art process, Imaginate is useful for adding the finishing touches the beautify your creative work with small additions like textures, subtle lighting and shadow effects, and pleasant gradients to make the whole piece look its best. It can turn a sterile, flat vector drawing into a detailed final work.